Sunday, September 24, 2006

School Days Preview of the Game

School Days by Overflow

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi ED

Friday, July 28, 2006

Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner

Zone of the enders: 2nd Runner intro

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Tick! Tack!

Tick Tack game intro!


Shuffle game intro!

Soul Link

Soul Link the game intro

Thursday, April 27, 2006

What kind of Ace am I? Part 2

You are a Mercenary Ace...

You fight in order to line your pockets with the credits of your sponsor nation. You lust after the thrill of combat and are willing to fight anyone at anytime as long as the money is good enough. You have no real loyalties to anyone other than yourself and you will not be ordered around like some cadet. You follow your own rules and fight your own war. Your tactics in combat closely resemble that of a bar room brawl. You are full of pride because your abilities and have a solid ego streak as well. In your opinion, your enemy equates to nothing more than targets to take down for sport. The enemy hates you for your scorched earth tactics and wishes only death upon you and your family. You could care less. Your life ends a blaze of glory and you are remembered for your undeniable skills and aggressive flying style as the "Demon of the Round Table."

What kind of Ace am I? Part1

You are a Knight Ace...

You fight in order to right injustice and protect those who cannot protect themselves. You view the act of air combat as an art form a deadly waltz at 10,000 feet. Your loyalties belong to the nation that is true need of your help and is able to support you logistically. You recognize the chain of command but you live and fight by your own sense of honor and duty. Your abilities in the air are beyond any form of reproach but are not afraid to admit that you can be bested. You think tactically and would rather about maneuver your opponent than take them out with a long-range missile. Your enemy is your equal if they respect you, you respect them. If they fail to do so, they will be taught manners. You refuse to kill unless absolutely necessary and aim to neutralize the battlefield rather than annihilate it. The enemy pilots respect you for your chivalry in the air and for your restraint in combat. You fight every one of your battles with the utmost respect for your adversary and destroy all those who would act to hurt innocents or your allies. The world forever remembers you as the "King of the Round Table."

Monday, March 27, 2006

Elfen Lied

Friday, March 17, 2006

Guilty Gear - Jam Kuradoberi